A little corner of the internet where we think to better ourselves and live for happiness.

Wellness, caring for your mind, body and soul, is fundamental to your overall health and wellbeing.


Join me on my journey to discovering wellness and how it can help us reach a fuller life.

Challenge and opportunity have inspired me.

Experiences outside of my home country have rewritten my rule book and led me along the path of calm which prioritises me.

Making choices guided by happiness is a fundamental of wellness.

In a world where decisions are determine our futures, knowing that you make the right ones can be hard. My philosophy is that where choices are guided by happiness, those choices will lead you to live well.


Here’s how I’ve used wellness as a tool for guidance, and how you can do the same.

Mexico has brought, lifestyle changes indispensable to life at home in England. Change forces us to grow, and wellness has written that growth for me.