About me

In the turbulence of facing challenges away from home, Wellness is my guidance.

“Life is what happens in the present”

Why I chose wellness.

My one way ticket to the other side of the world has given life a whole new meaning. I’ve traveled to places I had never even dreamt of, and I’m discovering a happier version of myself.
My story

Wellness has healed my body and mind.

Moving to the other side of the world comes with compromises.

One of those for me was loosing my period at 20. I didn’t have a period for 7 months and that was scary.

I was forced to rediscover my body’s needs, and put my health first. the process however has not only brought back my period but also written the rulebook I’ll follow for life.

Here’s some rules I’ve adopted to prioritise my wellbeing:

  • A responsible diet which follows daily habits.
  • 7-8 hours of sleep.
  • Limit screen time and social media.
  • Drink 2-3 Litres of water per day
  • 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 3x per week.
  • Create space for being alone, to allow your body to relax and reflect.
A little about me
Cooking is my passion. I love to fuel my body with food that leaves me feeling good.
Spending time alone is essential to my overall health.

New experiences and change inspire me.